Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sweating the Small Stuff - Don't!

Today was hard.  I worked at one of my side jobs for 2 hours and still managed to have completed much of the homeschool lesson plan.  I need to add more fun to homeschool:  more projects, art, science experiments.  In the first week back to school, we’re focusing on the main subjects right now.  Time flies in this house especially when the kids take an hour just to eat lunch!  

I lost my temper with Captain and Princess during the math meeting this morning.  Of course, I admitted my wrong doing and asked for their forgiveness.  I’m not like my parents in that way – when I break the family rules , I own up to my actions and try to make amends.  The rule I broke was from "The Original 21 Rules of this House" by Gregg Harris:  “We always speak quietly and respectfully to each other”.  I don’t want my kids to ever think that they “deserved” it.  They know that mom is human and that I  make mistakes and bad choices and must repent just like everyone else.

I am recommitted to being easier going from this point forward.  I get upset too quickly which is probably why Richard Carlson’s books like “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff” and Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff for Families” are read and re-read.  I need constant reminders to focus on the eternal perspective and not let the little things get to me.  I am really hard on myself to the point of self-deprecation at times.  As I look at this closely, what I have come to realize is that my high expectations for myself are not limited to just me.  This was an awful realization.  Nothing I did as a child was “good enough” for my parents, and I was sure that I wasn’t going to go down that road with my kids.  Unfortunately, I am not always the perfect example of unconditional love and acceptance.  Like I said, I can transfer much of my issues to them:  I can be too easily annoyed, too critical, and lecture them into a coma.  Its an area I will continue to improve.

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